Prophecy 104

World, Beware of the Dictator of Dictators!

Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah
November 24, 2008

Beloved treasures of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, YAHUSHUA's demon stompers, you who have been chosen to be this Ministries prayer covering.

I read each of your posts aloud to my beloved husband. With tears pouring down my cheeks, and sometimes barely able to speak, I could feel your love combined with the many emails sent by others of love and gratitude for what this Ministry stands for and what we are doing and then I received the prophectic message below. The words of your love and anointing gave birth to an unexpected Prophecy 104. You are so very special, words cannot convey my gratitude to each one of you.

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Beloved Elisabeth, those who count this Ministry as a blessing are your beloved spiritual children, the ones who lift your name before ABBA YAHUVEH, who help carry not only the burdens of the Ministry, but help carry your burdens, and fight the Ministries enemies, who are YAHUVEH's enemies. Beware of the wolves in sheeps clothing! Beware, some of these enemies come as wolves in sheep's clothing seeking whom they may devour. The wolves are sent by the evil shepherd satan and they are sent with one purpose to destroy you Elisabeth and destroy this Ministry. The wolves speak slanderous lies about you Elisabeth, their fruit is rotton and a stench to MY nostrils though some dare to call ME Lord by their actions they prove I am not their Lord. I will say unto them, depart from me you worker of inequity for I have never known you!

Remember it is ABBA YAHUVEH who will take vengeance on all MY Holy children's enemies, for they fight not against you, a mere person, but they fight against YAHUVEH. Beware all who attack this Holy Ministry, with each attack against this Ministry, it is like unto sticking a needle into YAHUVEH's eyes! There is nothing that can compare with ABBA YAHUVEH's rage and fury for it keeps hells fire burning and it keeps the Lake of Fire burning for all eternity.

The ones that bless this Ministry, these I call your spiritual children Elisabeth and their age does not matter, for you are as a spiritual mother and mentor them. You are used to speak forth and sow MY anointed words of life into their mind, body, spirit, and soul. Your spiritual family loves and respects you in a way a biological family cannot love, unless they worship ABBA YAHUVEH, I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, and the Precious HOLY SPIRIT. You have this in common with all who do this.

YAHUSHUA's Precious Jewels. MY Spirit has drawn each one of you to this Ministry for MY divine purpose. Now Elisabeth, I share MY earthly treasures with you. MY Holy children who are MY most precious of Jewels. They live Holy because they want to be pleasing unto YAHUVEH and not bring ME shame. Beloved Chidren, continue to abide in I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, and I shall continue to abide in you, and for eternity in Heaven with ME you will reside.

Beloved Ones, you need not fear anyone will worship MY Bride, for the world will reject, persecute, and hate MY Bride as the heathens hate ME, as they hate all that is Holy. Always remember this, only the counterfeit who are not of MY Spirit are worshipped! Never will MY true Bride allow it. Beware of a counterfeit who is America's President Elect and who has done nothing and yet through mass mind control, hynosis and mind manipulation with words alone, written by others, like unto a Hitler, he is now worshipped and no one can figure out why.

The spirit of Hitler, will rise again. Oh America, remember the prophetic dream I released through Elisabeth about Hitler rising up, so beware World of the dictator of dictators, for the same spirit that drove Hitler is the same spirit that again will run Washington D.C. You have been warned. When you see a person worshipped and compared to I,YAHUSHUA, realize this is a counterfeit sent by satan to mock ME.

Governments in various parts of the world have been practicing mind control methods on the mass population in various forms, in various ways, and through various methods. All this to prepare for the one called The False Prophet, and the one called the anti-christ. MY Holy children are not deceived and will not worship the counterfeit, they will rebuke and warn against the counterfeit.

All of you who gather here at this Ministry, have been led here to feed on green pastures as MY Sheep and Lambs. All of you here, will grow spiritually as you recieve the truths found here. Put I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, first in your love and life, and love one another who have MY HOLY SPIRIT within them. The GOOD SHEPHERD, our Beloved YAHUSHUA! You are MY precious Sheep and Lambs and I am YAHUSHUA, your GOOD SHEPHERD. MY sheep know MY voice and I speak forth from MY Ringmaiden MY messages and that is why you have all been called to this Ministry. This is your green pasture where you eat spiritual food from Heaven, and drink New Wine as if it were water.

I am YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and all these words apply to all who consider this Ministry a blessing, and to MY beloved ones that bless this Ministry by being a helper. I speak a word of love and gratitude especially to those called YAHUSHUA's demon stompers, MY front line Holy prayer intercessors like none other.

I speak a word of gratitude and love to MY translators who take the prophecies and messages and transcribe them in the tongues of different languages.

I speak a word of love and gratitude to those who support this Ministry faithfully with their tithes and offerings. You who are a blessing to this Ministry shall be blessed in a great measure. As you lift up the name of this Ministry and pray blessings on all who minister in it and are mighty warriors in MY Name and fight on the front lines, rebuking the liars who slander, and do spiritual warfare against the enemies of this Ministry, and defend all that is Holy. Great will be your rewards that will follow you to Heaven.

I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, promise you that I shall never leave nor forsake you, you shall not go hungry, thirsty, or without shelter. You shall be covered as a baby chick in the palm of MY hand, hidden and protected as you continue to lay down your fleshly desires and walk in MY HOLY SPIRIT, in obedience to MY Holy Scriptures out of love and gratitude, more than fear.

Given to this Ringmaiden of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH
Elisabeth (Elisheva) Sherrie Elijah
on Nov. 25, 2008

If this Prophecy has been a blessing to you please email and let me know.

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By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5

By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death: and was not found, because YAHUVEH had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased YAHUVEH. Hebrews 11:5