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We need to speak up! / So called pastors


Prophecy 21:

I will show forth more miracles in these end times than all the Bible put together. Will you be ready? Will you be on the side that denies ME or confesses ME as Lord and Savior?

Sadly to say, even MY own such as Peter who walked on the water, when it came to fearing for his life, rejected and denied ME, so it shall be and already has been again.

Prophecy 58:

Don't be ashamed of ME or else I will be ashamed of you, do not fear those that can kill your body, but instead fear ME who can send you screaming into the bowels of Hell and the Lake of Fire (Matt 10:28) and the weeping, travailing has only begun. Accept YAHUSHUA, now before it is too late. Repent now while there is yet time. Call upon YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and your soul will be saved if you obey ME and put ME first in your lives. Turn away and rebuke unholiness and those that are unholy. Turn away from all that is unholy and stop trying to change MY Laws that are decreed and set in stone by the finger of 'I AM', 'I AM' who 'I AM' and I change not.

Prophecy 77:

Remember this, MY Children, one with ME, YAHUVEH; through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA are a majority, a million even ten million without ME, without MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood covering them is in the minority. You can do all things through I, YAHUVEH that strengthens you. So this is just one of the new births, MY Children that I have sent you forth. Walk not into their churches smug and even on a Sunday. Do not despise them for what they do not know, do not condemn them for what they do not know, for I have forgiven them for it is only after they know that they are held accountable for what they know, just like you are.

Prophecy 80:

You other nations watched and refused to listen and obey, so I covered your ears and closed your eyes as I spoke and roared through the fires, hail, hurricanes, floods, tornados, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. You refused to listen when I stomped MY one foot on the ground and caused the earth to quake in fear so great now that the very rotation of the earth staggers like a drunkard. What will you say when I stomp both feet in rage? Nations who slaughter MY Holy People as if they were sheep being led to be slaughtered now weep for themselves when I sent the earthquakes and tsunamis and judgment for murdering innocent Christians who had no blood on their hands, men, women and children were and are being murdered because of one reason, they refuse to deny YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who they called Jesus Christ who is the MESSIAH and I, YAHUVEH's only begotten Son.

Prophecy 81:

This world shall see when MY wrath is poured out in these end times, that I will hide those who are hidden in MY Son YAHUSHUA. All the plagues that were poured out in the time of Moses shall be poured forth in a greater measure on MY enemies from I, YAHUVEH's hands. There will still be martyrs again such as the Apostles and Prophets of old and all those who are Holy, whose blood flowed then and even like it still does now in various parts of the world, because MY Holy will never compromise nor deny that YAHUSHUA is the only MASHIACH and MY only Begotten Son sent from Heaven to rule and reign. Oh Yisrael, I have made you a cup of trembling terror to the world and they shall drink of it. The enemies gnash their teeth at you and bare their claws, envying all I, YAHUVEH have blessed your land with. Your enemies count the number of days before they will try and plunder you and kill your men, women, and children without mercy.

Prophecy 103:

I grade you MY Children. And on that day in Heaven when you stand before MY Throne and the Book of Life is opened, there shall also be your grade.

Ask ME. Do not ask another. Ask I, YAHUVEH, to give you a dream, to give you a sign and if your heart is sincere and if I think that you're able to bear your grade, and it will not discourage you nor stop you from trying,
I will show you your grade, how willing you've been to lay your life down for ME, for MY Son YAHUSHUA MASHIACH's sake, how willing you've been and what attitude you have when you share your Testimony of YAHUSHUA MY beloved Son. Are you a help or are you a hindrance to this Ministry? Since you're hearing this Message from this Ministry, you're now held accountable. Do you stand up and defend? Do you tell your family, your friends, where they can go to hear the Truth that comes straight from Heaven?

Prophecy 106:

If the world of the reprobate would hold a trial today, would there be enough evidence that you serve ME? That you bring souls to YAHUSHUA. That you live Holy for ME. Would you have to say, "I plead guilty to all of these things" because that is what I expect. Are you willing to lay your life down for YAHUSHUA as HE was willing to lay HIS life down for you?